Christmas is a Witchcraft Ceremony — or, Artem-on is the Reas-on for the Seas-on

You probably don’t know it yet, but you have been duped into celebrating a pagan, Witchcraft ceremony, which binds you by spells into bondage to demons. That is, if you celebrate the Winter Solstice pagan ritual known as “Christmas”. Note this ceremony blasphemously uses (or abuses) the Blessed Name of Jesus Christ to masquerade as a “Christian” feast. This is typical of wicca cultism. They have a “Black Sabbath” and a “Black Mass” etc. etc., aping Christian practices. “Christmas” is one of these. Note its use of pagan rites like “greenery” (representing the spirits of the wood) and BLOOD-red (blood is particularly appreciated by wiccans) objects of various sorts. So next time you amble into your local mall you will be inundated with a flood of wiccan symbolism, red, green and flying sprites (Santas) and animals (wiccans just LOVE animals) swooping through the rafters.

Cutting down a tree and decking it with baubles is a pagan ceremony absolutely condemned by God in the Bible:

Jeremiah Chapter 10: “1 Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you, O house of Israel:
2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven [like the Winter Solstice of the sun on December 25]; for the heathen are dismayed at them.
3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.
4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.

5 They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.
6 Forasmuch as there is none like unto thee, O LORD; thou art great, and thy name is great in might.”

The pity is it is pretty well known where this mumbo-jumbo comes from: it is the pagan feast of the Winter Solstice — sun-worship. In ancient Rome the sun-god was “born” on December 25, so when the pagan Roman Empire was “Christianized” it just changed the feast from the Birth of the sun-god to the Birth of the Son of God. This ignored the fact that the true Church of the first three centuries knew Jesus was actually born in late March or early April (depending on which local calendar they used). Now many still argue, as the Christianized Romans argued then, that “there’s no harm celebrating the festival, so long as you keep Jesus as the Reason for the Season” etc. etc. and similar verbal dribble. Well there IS A VERY GOOD REASON NOT TO CELEBRATE IT AT ALL, and that is because, as all witches know, to take part in a pagan ritual, with pagan ritual objects, subjects a person to evil spirits which are transmitted on and through those rituals. The only way to escape this demonic influence is to be thoroughly filled and sealed by the Holy Spirit of Jesus. That STOPS the demons from affecting you. But if you’re filled with the discerning Spirit of Jesus YOU WILL HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH PAGAN DEMONIC SYMBOLS AND CEREMONIES, BECAUSE YOU DISCERN THOSE EVIL SPIRITS.

You might wonder why I put up on the headline “Artemon is the Reason for the Season” in obvious mockery of the perverted idea that “Jesus is the Reason for the Season”. That is because a nutcase heretic called ARTEMON WAS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON. He invented it. If you want to read the horrible and historical details you can download from the “Bible Resources” tab at the top of this page a PDF online booklet called “The Great Bible Text Fraud” which tells you how exactly Artemon did this. (The booklet also gives a lot of details about how the Bible was corrupted by heretics.) To put it simply — since the booklet is rather technical — there was a particularly vile little guru called Simon Magus in the days of the Apostles who was exposed as an imposter by Peter (see Acts chapter 8 in the New Testament for the facts). He taught the lying doctrine that Jesus was just an ordinary man, not God in human flesh, and that being an ordinary man he could not originally do miracles. However, so Simon Magus taught, one day, at Jesus’ baptism, the Spirit of Simon Magus, which was also the Spirit of the Sun-god, also called “the Christ”, came down into the ordinary man Jesus and turned him into a miracle-working super-man. This date, the date of Jesus’ baptism was believed to be the “Birth of the Sun-god” into the world, the time when he first appeared amongst men. In the pagan Roman East the date of the Birth of the Sun-god was 6th January. So Simon Magus’ followers began to believe that 6th January was the date of the “Birth of the Christ”, that is, of the Sun-god, as well as the date of the baptism of Jesus. Many in the East, like backslidden “Orthodox” Christians, still believe this today. Then later, so Simon Magus taught, just before Jesus was crucified, the Spirit of Simon Magus left him and went back to heaven, so allowing Jesus to die, as every normal man does. Well this very stupid doctrine was taught by Simon Magus first in Palestine and later in Rome, where it was picked up by a disciple of Simon Magus called Artemon. He was accepted as a true teacher by a group of Roman so-called Christians who had fallen into paganism, and who later were known as the Roman “Catholic” Cult. Now in Rome the Birthday of the Sun-god was December 25th, not the 6th of January (as it was in the East). So Artemon had to do some quick juggling with the dates. His solution was to make December 25th the date of the birth of the “mere man” Jesus (in the manger with the shepherds, animals etc.) and to keep the 6th January as the Birth of the Spirit of the Sun-god or of “the Christ” into the world. Now both sets of wiccans were happy: the easterners had their birthday of “Christ the sun-god” on January 6th and the western Romans had theirs on December 25th. The 12 days between December 25th and January 6th became the party-going “Twelve Days of Christ-mass”. Well that’s what you’re celebrating, folks — a total mess of Witchcraft garbage. ARTEM-ON IS TRULY THE REAS-ON FOR THE SEAS-ON.

Let me repeat what has been said in another post:

Satanism works by spells (magic words and formulas) and by ceremonies (magic acts). If a person participates in these he binds himself by evil forces. That means: just to take part in a Satanic ceremony is to bind your soul in bondage to demons.

A Holy-Ghost filled Christian, of course, would never take part in such a thing, or use magic words to achieve a stated purpose. So, Satan being aware of these facts he gets Christians to take part in his Satanic rituals by deception. One trick is to invite Christians to a festival or party which is actually a Satanic ritual-feast. That’s what the Apostle Paul said the Israelites did in their Desert Wanderings — they committed idolatry just by sitting down to the feast of Baal-Peor (a Satanic idol), and by getting up after the meal and playing “games” at the party.

Paul says this about it: 1 Corinthians 10 7 “Neither be ye idolaters, as were some of them; as it is written, The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play.” Notice Paul calls these backslidden Israelites “idolaters” because they “sat down to eat” and “rose up to play”. Once the Israelites got into the “party-spirit” they started to get drunk and commit fornication with the sexy-dressed girls of the worshipers of Baal-Peor. Notice it was not necessary for them actually to worship the idol physically — they just “went to the party”. Well, yes. That’s exactly what Satan does now using the so-called “Christian” festivals which were created by the pagan Vatican cult known as the “Roman Catholic Church”. He gets Christians to come to the party at his Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter, and Halloween festivals, which are all pagan Roman Satanic feasts dressed up with “Christian” names and titles. So in the Name of the Lord Jesus, keep away from them!

See more on the pagan Christmas festival

Get the Bible facts about the Satanic festival of Valentine’s Day at this link:

Baptized using the titles “Father, Son and Holy Ghost”? You’re baptized into the Vatican cult.

Chances are, if you are a Denominational Christian reading this, and you belong to one of the mainline cults, like the Vatican Roman “Catholic” cult, the “Church” of England, Episcopalian, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, non-“Oneness” Pentecostal, or independent “Charismatic” etc. etc., you were baptized in a ceremony where the baptizing minister called over you “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and in the name of the Son, and in the name of the Holy Spirit” or some such similar spell. This formula is of the Devil. It is a witchcraft mantra designed by the Devil to obliterate the one and only NAME you should have been baptized in, the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, or “Adonay Yeshua Ha-Mashiach” as the original Jewish Christians said it.

The Bible says: KJV John 20. 31 “But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name“. Now you see why Satan wants to obliterate that precious Name of Jesus. He wants you to die spiritually and physically. Eternal life only comes through the Name of Jesus Christ.

Like all heresies this one of substituting the titles Father Son and Holy Spirit for Jesus Christ uses a distorted interpretation of Scripture to back up its lies. Just think how Roman “Catholics” love to quote the Scripture which says “Thou art Peter and on this rock I will build my Church”, and they say “You see Peter is the rock on which the Church was built”! Even if Jesus was saying here Peter was the rock, that wouldn’t mean the so-called POPE is the rock! Neither would it mean the Roman cult is the rock. This interpretation is utter gibberish. But in any case Jesus said here “THOU art Peter, AND on THIS rock”, clearly making a difference between the THOU He was talking to (Peter) directly, and THE ROCK, a different thing, which He was pointing Peter TO. That’s just plain and straight. Now likewise the Trinity baptizers use Matthew 28. 19 where Jesus said to His disciples after His resurrection: Go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost (= Holy Spirit). “There” they say “That’s it, Jesus said use that formula”. No, Jesus said use the NAME (singular), NOT THE NAMES (plural) FATHER, SON, HOLY SPIRIT, but THE NAME OF (= BELONGING TO) the Father, which also is “of” (belongs to) the Son and the Holy Spirit. Big difference. That’s why you can read the Book of Acts which tells you how the Apostles themselves baptized people and everywhere, in every case, they used the NAME of JESUS CHRIST. The Father’s Name IS Jesus Christ, the Son’s Name IS Jesus Christ, and the Spirit’s Name IS Jesus Christ, because it is the Spirit of Jesus. We don’t worship three gods, we worship One God who was manifest in the flesh in the form of Jesus the Messiah, and who took upon Himself humanity, and therefore the human name Jesus. He is the LORD (the Father), Jesus (the Son, humanity), Christ, which means Anointed with the Spirit (Holy Ghost).

Why did the Evil spirit do this? As was said above to obliterate the Name of Jesus Christ, by which we get Eternal Life. He splits the One God up into three “gods” (he calls them PERSONS), and so dismembers our LIFE. This happened in Rome because the Roman “Catholic” cult combined Christianity with paganism, and in paganism they commonly worshiped three gods, like Jupiter, Juno and Minerva, the three chief deities of Rome itself.

Christian water baptism is a baptism of fellowship between Jews and Gentiles (= non-Jews). It is a ritual washing which God ordained in the Old Testament to be done by anyone who wished to fellowship with Jews in their worship of the One True God. (Read Leviticus 17.) When it is done by Christians it is done using the Name of Jesus the Messiah. Not just “Jesus”, now, like some Oneness Pentecostals baptize. There are many Jesuses, especially in Hispanic countries, as you know. But there is only ONE JESUS THE CHRIST, THE MESSIAH, that is Jesus of Nazareth. When the Apostles and their disciples baptized people, they said “in the Name of Yeshua (Jesus) Ha-Mashiach (the Messiah)”. That immediately cut out of it any establishment Pharisee or Sadducee who didn’t believe in Jesus of Nazareth. No way would such a Jew be baptized in the Name of Jesus the Messiah who they utterly rejected and cursed. Now the Apostles could have said, “I baptize you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” and no Pharisee would have had any problem with it, because the Pharisees believed in the Father (God, the Father of Israel), they too believed in a Son of God (the pre-existent Messiah, the Son of David to come), and they too believed in the Holy Spirit who inspired the prophets of Israel. There was no controversy there. There was no hindrance there. But there was in that hated name of Jesus the Crucified One. The pagans too had no problem at all with Father Son and Holy Spirit. They had a Father god, Jupiter, a Son, the Logos, and a (female) Spirit, Juno. So you could say “Father, Son and Holy Spirit” in their pagan baptisms and that was OK. So the Roman “Catholic” cult adopted this anti-God mantra because it was good pagan theology. It satisfied the anti-Christian Rabbis, it satisfied the pagans, and every other Tom, Dick and Harry except the Bible-believing Christians.

If you read Acts chapter 19 you will see that all believers, in order to fellowship with the original Jewish Apostles, HAD TO BE REBAPTIZED IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST IF THEY HAD BEEN BAPTIZED ANY OTHER WAY. That hasn’t changed at all. If you are baptized in the titles of “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit” you are baptized in pagan, Roman “Catholic” cult baptism, and you must be rebaptized in the Name of Jesus Christ to enter the Jewish-Christian true Bible fellowship.

Now not only that but our great Rabbi, our only Rabbi, Jesus Himself, taught another thing from Leviticus 17, which even the Apostles, who had been brought up, many of them, as Pharisees, did not know from their previous Rabbis. That was this. In the last verse of Leviticus 17 it says that the washing of fellowship is only complete, when the feet are trampled in water also. The original Hebrew says “trample in water” using the Hebrew word “kabbes” which describes the action of a clothes washer when he tramples clothes in water to clean them. In our King James version it translates this word “wash them” meaning “wash clothes”, but the word “them” has been added in the translation, as shown by the King James translators because they put that word in italics. The translators thought the meaning was wash clothes, because in the Hebrew it refers to the action of a clothes washer, and washing of clothes is mentioned in the previous verse, but there is no word for clothes at all in this verse. God said the baptized person must put their clothes in the baptism water too, along with their whole body (showing sprinkling or pouring water for baptism is wrong), AND MUST ALSO TRAMPLE HIS FEET IN WATER. Moses commanded THAT NOT ONE WORD MUST BE ADDED TO THE LAW, OR TAKEN AWAY FROM IT, BUT IT MUST BE DONE EXACTLY AS WRITTEN (Deuteronomy 4. 2). WE CANNOT ADD THE WORD “CLOTHES” HERE. No the Scripture says, UNLESS WHEN A PERSON IS RITUALLY WASHED FOR FELLOWSHIP, HE ALSO TRAMPLES HIS FEET IN WATER, THEN HIS INIQUITY WILL REMAIN AND NOT BE COUNTED AS FORGIVEN BY GOD. That is because that person has not done exactly what God instructed. Now if you read John’s Gospel Chapter 13 you will find this passage:

“3 Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he was come from God, and went to God;
4 He riseth from supper, and laid aside his garments; and took a towel, and girded himself.
5 After that he poureth water into a bason, and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded.
6 Then cometh he to Simon Peter: and Peter saith unto him, Lord, dost thou wash my feet?
7 Jesus answered and said unto him, What I do thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know hereafter.
8 Peter saith unto him, Thou shalt never wash my feet. Jesus answered him, If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me.
9 Simon Peter saith unto him, Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head.
10 Jesus saith to him, He that is washed needeth not save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit: and ye are clean, but not all.
11 For he knew who should betray him; therefore said he, Ye are not all clean.
12 So after he had washed their feet, and had taken his garments, and was set down again, he said unto them, Know ye what I have done to you?
13 Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am.
14 If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another’s feet.
15 For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.
16 Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him.
17 If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.”

You can see that Jesus did everything EXACTLY AS GOD SAID WITHOUT QUESTION EVEN IF NO OTHER RABBI DID IT, HE DID IT EXACTLY BY THE WORD OF GOD IN LEVITICUS 17. Notice even the WAY Jesus fulfilled this verse EXACTLY AS WRITTEN. The action done by the person with his feet must be LIKE A FULLER OR CLOTHES-WASHER, that is, standing OUT OF THE WATER and HAVING HIS FEET IN THE WATER. (Unlike the full body-baptism in the preceding verse.) Also a clothes-washer USUALLY, NOT ALWAYS, does this act FOR OTHERS (in order to wash the clothes of other people). So here Jesus commanded the disciples to SERVE ONE ANOTHER. Clothes type the human spirit. They must be WASHED by the ministry of other believers serving us and administering to us the Word (water).

Without foot-washing like this you have no valid Scriptural baptism at all. He that is washed (= baptized) STILL NEEDS TO WASH HIS FEET (trample in water like a clothes washer, last verse Leviticus 17) OR HE HAS NOT DONE WHAT MUST BE DONE FOR ANY GENTILE TO FELLOWSHIP WITH A LAW-KEEPING JEWISH FELLOW-BELIEVER IN THE MESSIAH JESUS. IF YOU HAVE BEEN BAPTIZED WITHOUT FOLLOWING IT UP WITH FOOT-WASHING YOU HAVE NO PART IN JESUS, ACCORDING TO THE VERY WORDS OF JESUS HIMSELF. Happy are ye if ye do this commandment. Dump your pagan ceremonies and teachings, repent and believe in the Messiah!