This is where Contributors publish their own writings.
- To God Be The Glory
- God’s Beautiful Creation
- Boss Cat
- Life In The Raw
- My Friend Hump
- Protect The Innocents
- The Big Fight
- The Verdict
- Eeeeeasy Cheeeesy
- Wanna Get Cheered up ?
- I Can Think !
- Problems ! What Problems ?
- In My Own Little world
- A Pigs’ Gonna Do What A Pigs’ Gonna Do
- The Mad Professor
- X To Investment Banking
- Some Very Silly Billy Children”s Poems
- A Perfect Example Of The Love Of Jesus
- The Unholy Trinity
1. To God Be The Glory!
Like the flowers in the pic (being of many different varieties & colors ), each complement the other as designed by God their creator, and being just as they are, they give Glory to God. The blue doesn't strive to be just IS ! The red doesn't fret that it's red, trying to be simply IS red....... .....beautiful as God made it, together making up God's bouquet.I see similarities in our being 'Members of Christ's body', each being unique in the way God made them, each having their own part to do, yet all working together, reflecting Jesus Christ.
I'm happy to contribute my bit, as God has made me , ultimately being a reflection of Christ in me, as He shapes my thoughts, my interests, what I watch, what I listen to etc etc . Being a Christian , following Jesus , is all consuming , It affects EVERYTHING, because it's really true that we are 'In this world .....but not of it' ...... therefore worldly pursuits simply don't come into the picture ....the two don't mix. With God's help I want to do as Colossians 3 v 2 says ....."Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth."
Some of my posts will be articles , some poems, some Children's Silly Poems, maybe stories & a mixture of all sorts, for God's glory.
To God be the glory
Great things He hath done
So loved He the world
that He gave us His Son
Who yielded Himself
An atonement for sin
And opened the life gate
That all may go in
Praise the Lord
Praise The Lord
Let the earth hear His voice
Praise The Lord
Praise The Lord
Let the people rejoice
Oh come to The Father
Through Jesus the Son
And give Him the glory
Great things He hath done
Oh perfect redemption
The purchase of blood
To every believer
The promise of God
The vilest offender
Who truly believes
That moment from Jesus
A pardon receives
Praise The Lord
Praise The Lord
Let the earth hear His voice
Praise The Lord
Praise The Lord
Let the people rejoice
Oh come to The Father
Through Jesus The Son
And Give Him The Glory
Great Things He Hath Done !
Posted by Christine
2. God’s Beatiful Creation
And Some People Can Say There's No God
Just look at these eyes !
This is Lil' kits who is now
the daddy of his little girl
Undeniable beauty !
Lil 'Backlegs'...... a very special kitty who God helped. We
prayed for her back legs because she couldn't hardly use
them. God strengthened her to stand and she started
walking for bigger distances.
A very happy, active, alert little kitty indeed.
Gorgeous !
Posted by Christine
3. Boss Cat
(Just HAD to include Big Kits our 'Golden Oldie' )
You Just Got To Be Kidding !
"No One Is gonna tell ME I need a license ! " says Big
Kits, " Who's the Boss in any case......ME or you " !!!
Big Kits..... An 'Undercover' Agent for MIow 5
Speciality....Night Time Operations
Spotted !
Posted by Christine4. Life In The Raw
Need to tell this Lizzy it's on the wrong side of the wall !
I had a ' Friend '
Ooooooooo ....... The Cat Ate It !
(Could've been his cousin )
Used to pop its head up & lie on the wood watching me
Haven't seen him since !
Guess that's 'Life in the Raw !'
God's food chain.
Simply designed that way
Meant to be !
Posted by Christine
5. My Friend Hump
My Friend 'HUMP'
There once was a Camel
Whose name was HUMP
He was as CUTE as CUTE as could be
His eyelashes were so very very long
It's a wonder he could see
When drinking water he curled his lips
Taking GALLONS at a time
He didn't care when people stared
Oh I'd like him to be mine !
He moved his mouth from side to side
Eating anything in his way
From paper plates or burger buns
Or simply regular hay
He always was a 'Happy Chap'
No matter where he went
His legs to me didn't seem quite straight
In fact they looked quite bent !
I'm told that's how they usually are
And one KICK from him could send you far
So it's always best to treat him good
Cos he's not stupid and he knows you should
So if you're a 'Yob' don't mess with him
Unless you want to end up IN THE BIN !
Posted by Christine
6. Protect The Innocents!
I'd like to share an email I sent to some of the ladies we come across whilst doing our Christian Hospitality work. After being told that a 'Drag Queen' had been invited into one of their schools, to read stories to the children during 'Library Story Time', I was incensed and wanted to tell the mothers plus the teachers and librarians, who work in the schools, about the evil agenda behind it, which GOD IS AGAINST. Then...... it's up to them if they condone it, as they'll be answerable to God for NOT Protecting The Innocents.
Hope you Mothers, Teachers, Librarians take note ! For the sake of 'The Little Ones. '
Protect the Innocents !
I'm sending this to a few people, as I detest with Godly vengeance what I've learnt is happening in many of America's schools.
As Christians.....We have to make our voice heard and as Ezekial 9 v 4 tells us,we have to .....SIGH AND CRY FOR ALL THE ABOMINATIONS DONE IN THE CITY.
(Abomination = Something loathsome, filthy, detestable to God.)
Note.... The people in verse 4 who were given a mark, were those who sighed and cried regarding the abominations that were committed. In verse 6....... Those with that mark were saved when destruction went forth!What am I referring to??
The deliberate, demonic, insidious agenda of perverting innocent children by the introduction of 'Story time' by ' Drag Queens' into the public school system.
Step back!... Consider...! What exactly is this?? Done in the name of 'Education' ! RUBBISH!No such thing,. It's deliberate. They're bringing sodomites, trans wotsits, & whatever other brands there are, into schools, to NORMALIZE perversion and corrupt the innocent children's minds to think that this is ok, That it's normal .!
Rebellion against God.
1Sa 15:23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king.
In witchcraft and pagan rituals, they loved sacrificing children. The blood of the innocent. This is the same spirit. Satan wants the children. He wants them corrupted. He wants them to stray from God's Word. No ******. It's NOT ok, Look.. We are right at the end time, the rapture of God's saints being imminent. This is why the devil is going crazy.By all means, children when they're able, when appropriate, can be told of such things but from God's point of It stinks, it's abominable, it'll destroy them unless they repent. That then is balanced, it's in perspective & that will enable them too to Cry and sigh when they choose God's ways in their life at whatever point.
We CAN NOT put this down to 'Education' It is not.! There is an agenda Remember Sodom and Gomorrah? Perversion! Unrepentant! Got destroyed. We as Christians can not tolerate this . We can not stand at the side and snigger , & say "Oooh AAAGH." LAUGH LAUGH ! as the 'made up' 'over the top' trans Drag queen captivates the Innocents with stories. To stand and tolerate, or laugh is to condone and assist poisoning the children's tender minds away from the truth of its perversion in God's eyes, perversion which is taking that 'Drag Queen' to hell unless they repent and let Jesus into their lives. We as Christians need to SHOUT OUT, Expose it for what it is . I have no children but absolutely no way ever would I let a child come under that. A Christian working in a school , would need to make their voice heard loud and clear....I guess they'd fire you! Tell u that you got to stick to their 'agenda', tow the line, don't press your faith! ie:- stifle you ! Well, The Spirit of God isn't stifled ! It's like water.. It flows, if someone tries to put a stopper in, it's to their own damnation. God's word continues, therefore let's go with the flow.... God's flow! We are responsible for the little ones. Parents, Guardians, Teachers, Let's nurture the children, bring them up to know Gods ways, encourage them, it's offering life to their souls, (whilst not being ignorant of satans devices.) Then once a child gets older, they become responsible for their own decisions, but at least they've been trained in God's ways as a child . I came across a a girl on U tube talking about this, titled 'DRAG QUEEN STORY HOUR'. I listened to most of it, seemed good.*We all need to sharpen up, it's a spiritual battle. We already know Christ is the winner.
God bless you , and help you with your family.
ChristinePosted by Christine7. The Big Fight
The Big Fight
The BIG FIGHT is on
For all to seeIt's Me verses Him
WOW ! Does..he ..look.. strong !!!
His muscles are BigHe's so ugly and cruel
I don't stand a chanceIn this unfair duel
Until I can't take it ..Anymore !
I'm thinking right now
Maybe I should 'Give In'I don't want the hurt
I don't want the pain.
But my Soul is 'At stake'
And LIFE I do crave'I won't take it easy
Going down to the grave.
I don't want defeat
I need help from my Lord
And that's why he's given me
His sacred Word *
So I call upon Him
And He enters 'The Ring' To deal with the oneWith the great nasty sting *
My Lord suddenly looks tall And the devil looks small He HAS to recoil * Cos he sure knows he's foiled Cos he can't stand The Word That I'm privileged to have heard It paralyzes him with terror !He'd so much prefer
If I used The WordWith omIssions alterations and errors.
I resisted him *
And so he HAD to flee,
Don't you thinkDon't you think
That this was a GREAT battle
MY SAVIOR WON for me !
* Heb 4 v 12. For the word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword ,
* 1Cor 15 v 56 The sting of death is sin.​​​​​​ * Rev 20 v 2 And he laid hold on the dragon , that old serpent, which is the Devil and Satan .....
*James 4 v 7 ..... Resist the devil , And he will flee from you.
* ​​Gen 3 v 3 God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
v 4 And the serpent said unto the woman , Ye shall not surely die.
Posted by Christine
8. The Verdict
The Verdict
I'm not guilty of that
or that !
or THAT !!
I'm not guilty of those
At All !!!
I admit only one
Just a small one at that
But the Judge said
You're guilty of ALL
James 2 v 10.
For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point he is guilty of all.
Rom 3 v 10As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:
Gal 3 v 13
Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree.
Here's your 'Get out of jail free' card.
1 John 1v 9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Rom 3 v 28
Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.
Rom 3 v 31
Do we them make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law.
Posted by Christine
9. Eeeeesy Cheeeeesy
Eeeeeasy Cheeeesy ​​​​​!​​​
(To be read or spoken with a ' Cool Swing ' Rhythm )
Eeeeeasy Cheeeesy
HEY ! let me Pleeeease Me
I'M gonna live MY OWN way !
I'm gonna Gratify...Satisfy
'Live-It-Up ' before I die
DON'T wanna live The Bible way !
I want life Eeeeeasy, Breeeezy
I'm gonna Pleeeease Me
WON'T let things get in my way !
Cos what's the fuss about ?
Don't need to give account..
UNTIL....The Great Judgement Day !
Luke 12 v 20But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be , which thou hast provided?
2Tim 3 ....
v 1 This know also, that In the last days perilous times shall come.v 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves,.......
v 3 ........ lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 1 Tim 5 v 6....But she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth.
2Posted by Christine
10. Wanna Get Cheered Up?
BullsEye !!!
Wanna get cheered up?
Watch the 5 min video below. Makes me laugh every time!
David & Goliath.
Best Shot Ever !
The Original Guided Missile ! God NEVER fails !!!
David and Goliath: Credit: Music -- Ishmael and Andy. Lyrics -- Psalm 139:6-12. Video -- King David 1985 Posted by Christine
11. I Can Think!
"Got any Meaty Bones ? "
"My Kinda Alphabet"
Oooooo ....Hope it's dinner time NOW
I Can Think
I'm Not as Stable
As a table
But I'm Not as thick
You See
'Cos a table's made
Of 'Two Short Planks'
But I've got a brain
Tee Hee !
" This is an example of how to cut a Pizza,
3/4 for Me & 1/4 for you . Good Plan ! "
"OK, I Agree , Order 9 Pizzas Please "
"Lots of Fast Food, Gonna dig a Hole "
"Oooooo It's Definitely Bed Time NOW ! "
"Gotta have my Brain Food First ....YUMMY " Zzzzzz Zzzzzz Zzzzzz
Posted by Christine
12. Problems! What Problems?
Problems !
WHAT Problems ?
You can either PANIC
But you'll feel much better you see,
If you go to the larder
And search a little harder,
Find some Cookies
And make some tea 🙂
Posted by Christine
13. In My Own Little World
Posted by Christine
14. A Pigs’ Gonna Do What A Pigs’ Gonna Do
Pet:2 v 22
But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.
Posted by Christine
15. The Mad Professor
There once was a Mad Professor
Who constantly got things wrong
So they wrapped him up in a parcel
And sent it off to Hong Kong
The Hong Kong officials took one look
And said he'd have to go !
And because he spoke only 'Double-Dutch'
They sent him off to 'EURO'
The Dutch officials took one look
And thought he was a SPY
So they sent him down to the Magistrates' court
And said he'd have to be 'Tried' !
They stood him up, in the box
And said "WHAT do you have to say ?"
So he gave them a lecture for 19hours
The Judge got bored
The Jury fell asleep
The Prosecutor left
Still he didn't feel bereft
He went ON and ON and ON and ON
Till eventually it was 'Morn'
He was into his topic so so much
NOT ONCE did he ever yawn
The Judge curled up into a ball
The Jury sprawled out, in the hall
The Prosecutor slumped down in a chair
The Professor was oblivious
And simply didn't care !
The cleaners came in to clean the floor
One sat down and asked for MORE !
So for 29 hours he talked more & more
Till all one could hear was a room full of snores
Zzzzz Zzzzz Snort Cough Zzzzz Splutter SNORE SNORE
Meanwhile the cleaner
She got keener
And asked him to explain ,
What he meant by the
PLAIN ????
The Professor looked pleased
And said "Let me begin"
Talking for 17 hours
Just to ' Get in the Swing '
The 'Court session' looked ZONKED
And continued to doze
In fact they were nearly COMATOZED!!!
The Security guard at the door, FINALLY shouted
The Professor demanded all expenses paid
To get him back to the USA
With 5 star Hotels and First class meals
His return to be by a ROCKET
The security guard said
Swiftly giving him a Million Dollars for his pocket
Before he left he wanted to say........
"Thank you for my pleasant stay
It was GREAT to share my knowledge with you
As basic facts simply will not do
Maybe one day, I can return
And explain to you 'Why's and How's "
The cleaner wholeheartedly agreed to this
Saying " Why not do it NOW ?"
"WHY YES" ! said the Professor
"That's a BRILLIANT idea
So pleased to see you're keen"
So he went right back to the Magistrates' court
Wondering why everyone screamed ?
And so to this day
The Professor stayed
Talking daily into 'thin air'
The reason was (If you really must know)
Was the fact that no one was there
Except a single cleaner
Who sat at the front
And agreed with EVERY word
But to be quite frank
When asked to repeat
She really looked
Posted by Christine
16. T Rex
17. X To Investment Banking
(Written from a certain viewpoint )
The gymnastics of logistics With multiple statistics Need connecting then correcting With countless inspections,
Then Just when you think the equations fit Along comes the 'know all' establishment twit,
Who wants to mold your 'Fresh Off The Press' news
Conforming to text books and production line views
"SUCCESS is the word" he says in a rage, "In order to get it YOU MUST GO IN THIS CAGE!"
He'll clip your wings and tell you to fly
He'll show you how One inch at a time Shuffling your way Trying not to look down
"For your safety" he says "PUT THIS 'STRAIT-JACKET' ON Can't have you flapping with no wings of your own !"
So he'll harness you on To the rest of the chain Moving along INSPIRATION ALL DRAINED!
"TO THE TOP, TO THE TOP " his voice shouts again "Possibilities are endless, you've MUCH to gain! Keep eating this grain, as all of us do No need to try other delectable foods."
Shuffling along his conveyor belt Moving slowly upwards with occasional jolts. "Just think of the end, think what's at THE TOP, Possibilities are endless, no need to stop!
CONFORM CONFORM, stay in line " he eggs on "I'll give you papers, respectability sublime!"
An Identikit product all moving along,
All ready for packaging, gift wrap and all,
So after a long while, you MAY reach the top And wave your papers to all, "WELL DONE" says the twit, and ticks off his board "ONE MORE can I add to my list !"
"GO FLY" he says, "GO FLY TAKE YOUR TRIP" But the price was too high He'd already gone 'clip' !
(So.... Get rid of the twit, BEFORE he snips Then you can fly with ease The routes that you please As they come from within
That's why they're no strain.)
Posted by Christine
18. Some Very Silly Billy Children’s Poems
Posted by Christine
19. A Perfect Example Of The Love Of Jesus
A Perfect Example Of The Love of Jesus.
Testimony Of an X Nun.
The following opening statement taken from Sister Charlotte's Testimony totally describes the attitude of a Christian filled with Jesus' love............That love enabled her to love the Roman Catholic people properly and recognize it is the deceiving evil corrupt false religious system she was against NOT the people! Her words are beautiful with no bitterness. She ooozes the Love of Jesus, despite the horrific abuse she suffered for 22 years by Priests and the Mother Superior in the 'Closed Order 'convent until God enabled her to escape and afterwards becoming a 'Born Again' Christian.
Pink Rose Of Sharon.
Excerpt taken from Sister Charlotte's testimony
"First of all I always like to tell folk I'm not giving this testimony because I have any ill feeling in my heart towards the Roman Catholic people. I couldn't be a Christian if i still had bitterness in my heart. God delivered me from all bitterness and strife and delivered me out of all that one day and made himself real to me, and the power of the Holy Spirit. And so, when I give this testimony I'm giving it because after God saved me he delivered me out of the convent and out of bondage and darkness. The Lord laid the burden upon my heart to give this testimony that others might know what cloistered convents are. And so, as you listen carefully this afternoon, I trust I will not say one thing that will leave any ill feeling in your heart whatsoever that I don't carry a burden for the Roman Catholic people. I don't like the things they do, I don't agree with the things that they teach, but I covet their soul for Jesus. I'm interested in their souls. I believe Jesus went to Calvary. He died that you and I might know Him. And their souls are just as precious as your soul and my soul. So I'm interested.
Pics of sister Charlotte and Sister Nilah
The following links are taken from the main Christian Hospitality site, you can click the links to find out more about Sister Charlotte and either read her testimony in full or listen .
You can download these mp3 files of Sister Charlotte’s live testimony. The Testimony of Charlotte Keckler #1 (MP3 file) full length 45 mins. The Testimony of Charlotte Keckler #2 (MP3 file) full length 47 mins.
“From Convent to Pentecost” — the Testimony of Charlotte Keckler as dictated to Nilah Rutledge.
PDF file of the Testimony of Charlotte Keckler (containing two transcripts of this Sister’s testimony given on different occasions).
2Ti 2:25
In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;
2Ti 2:26
And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.
Posted by Christine
20. The Unholy Trinity
Rev 18 : 4 ...Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
For those sincere believers in the Roman Catholic church who seek the truth with righteousness, God has shown you the way in Rev 18: 4
John 16 : 13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come.
Posted by Christine