Great! Thanksgiving’s coming up again. Get your turkey, folks, and your pumpkin pie and dig in to a real genuine Christian feast, a real genuine Pilgrim American feast. The founding fathers, the Pilgrims of Plymouth Rock, loved Jesus — that’s why they came to America, to escape persecution from the Anglican cult in England and its parent-cult the Vatican on the continent. They didn’t celebrate Witchcraft ceremonies like “Christmas”. Neither does any true born-again Spirit-filled Christian today. They celebrated Thanksgiving, in gratitude to the Lord Jesus Who saved them in their pilgrim colony and led them (with the help of their dear native American Indian neighbors) to bring in a good harvest. Thank God for that. Ever since America has been a refuge for Bible-believing, God-fearing, God-loving Christians and has been a beacon on a hill to the rest of the world. Thanksgiving is a true Christian celebration, thanking God for His continued loving welfare. The Devil didn’t let them off scot-free, of course. He introduced weeds into the wheat-field and conned the Pilgrims’ descendants by re-introducing the European cults’ Witchcraft ceremony the Winter Solstice “Christmas”. Through the love of money (the root of ALL evil) the Devil promoted this Witchcraft ceremony by deceiving little children with the myth of Santa Claus and his goblin helpers. Presents, presents, presents! Money, money, money! That’s what it’s about. It’s just the Devil in disguise. Santa Claus is the old supposed-to-be “saint” Nicholas of Myra. A thoroughly degenerate little Vaticanite he was, like the present so-called “bishop” of Rome, the international pedophile ring-leader known as the “Pope”. The Bible predicted that the cult of the leaders named after “Nicholas” would swallow up the world in their false religion, and so it has come about. See Revelation 2. “6 But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans [means: “cultists named after Nicholas”], which I [Jesus Christ] also hate“, and “15 So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate“. Notice Jesus says here He HATES the “Nicholas” cult, and that’s the Santa Claus cult. You can download the historical facts showing the Santa Claus cult was the God-hated Nicolaitan cult here (left-click to read online or right click and Save As to download). Get back to the true Christian and American Thanksgiving and repent of this Satanic “Christmas” nonsense. You can see more about the pagan ceremony of Christmas here.
Let me repeat what has been said in an earlier post:
Satanism works by spells (magic words and formulas) and by ceremonies (magic acts). If a person participates in these he binds himself by evil forces. That means: just to take part in a Satanic ceremony is to bind your soul in bondage to demons.
A Holy-Ghost filled Christian, of course, would never take part in such a thing, or use magic words to achieve a stated purpose. So, Satan being aware of these facts he gets Christians to take part in his Satanic rituals by deception. One trick is to invite Christians to a festival or party which is actually a Satanic ritual-feast. That’s what the Apostle Paul said the Israelites did in their Desert Wanderings — they committed idolatry just by sitting down to the feast of Baal-Peor (a Satanic idol), and by getting up after the meal and playing “games” at the party.
Paul says this about it: 1 Corinthians 10 7 “Neither be ye idolaters, as were some of them; as it is written, The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play.” Notice Paul calls these backslidden Israelites “idolaters” because they “sat down to eat” and “rose up to play”. Once the Israelites got into the “party-spirit” they started to get drunk and commit fornication with the sexy-dressed girls of the worshipers of Baal-Peor. Notice it was not necessary for them actually to worship the idol physically — they just “went to the party”. Well, yes. That’s exactly what Satan does now using the so-called “Christian” festivals which were created by the pagan Vatican cult known as the “Roman Catholic Church”. He gets Christians to come to the party at his Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter, and Halloween festivals, which are all pagan Roman Satanic feasts dressed up with “Christian” names and titles. So in the Name of the Lord Jesus, keep away from them!
The detailed study of Alexander Tille, titled “Yule and Christmas”, London, 1899, p. 102 and following pages, gives you the facts about the Witchcraft cult of the so-called “Christmas Tree”: it was originally dedicated to the god Bel of Babylon (Babylon being Satan’s main cult-center), and was transferred into “Christian” (in name only) churches in Germany. The idol Bel is strongly condemned by God in the Bible: Isaiah 46:1: “Bel boweth down, Nebo stoopeth, their idols were upon the beasts”, Jeremiah 50:2: “Declare ye among the nations, and publish, and set up a standard; publish, and conceal not: say, Babylon is taken, Bel is confounded, Merodach is broken in pieces; her idols are confounded, her images are broken in pieces.” Jeremiah 51:44: “And I will punish Bel in Babylon, and I will bring forth out of his mouth that which he hath swallowed up: and the nations shall not flow together any more unto him: yea, the wall of Babylon shall fall.”
The following quote is a bit technical so I’ll summarize it here: The Babylonian Satanic cult of Bel, including the use of magic branches and trees at the New Year, was borrowed by the Romans and practiced in ancient pagan Rome. When the Roman army conquered the ancient Germans, the Romans passed on this evil cult to the Germans. Later, when the Roman Empire turned “Christian” (in name only), the old pagan customs of Bel worship were given a “Christian” brush-up. So in Germany, for example, around the year AD 950, the pagan Roman Bel cult at New Year (January 1) was transferred by a Roman “Catholic” fanatic “saint” (so-called) to the nearby date of December 25. December 25 itself was an ancient pagan festival celebrating the birth of the Sun-god, but had been changed into the “Birthday of the Son of God” (Jesus) by the false Roman church. So now around AD 950 in Germany this so-called saint added a little spice to the poisonous mixture by taking the magic trees and branches of the Bel cult at New Year festival and splotting them onto December 25 “Birthday of the Son of God” (so-called). And so on and so forth — what a mess! The magic tree of the Bel cult popped up under the new name of the “Christmas Tree”. So the pagan witchcraft ceremony, from the Babylonian Bel cult, of looking for a tree in midwinter which had fruit or flowers on it, or was very green and fresh-looking, as an omen of fertility for the future year, had polluted the so-called churches of Europe and infested nominal Christian homes, as it still does today.
I have added a few explanations and comments in square brackets in the following quotation from Tille:
“Alsso [a writer about AD 1400] even tells us more. At the beginning of every month the Bohemians carried about the image of their god Bel, singing a Czechic song. They rejoiced in the god thus visiting their houses, hoping faithfully that, in consequence, the whole month long he would send them good luck, and lead all their fortune and life. Therefore people brought gifts to the image of Bel, as it were a tribute, regarding themselves as his true worshippers in order that he might bring them luck. But St. Adalbert [AD 956-997, he is called a “saint” here but he was obviously no saint], because it was too circumstantial to do so at the beginning of every month, and in order that the Christians might not also celebrate the beginning of the months [New Year] according to heathen custom, changed this celebration of the beginnings of months [the pagan New Year] into a celebration of Christ’s Nativity and of the week following it, thinking that it would be better to exercise that habit in the time in which Christ was born [he imagined this to be December 25], than at the beginning of months [New Year January 1], at which honour had once been bestowed upon Bel. He also is said to have altered the name and the sense of that celebration, making of ‘kalendisare’ [meaning “to practice a cult at the New Year”] ‘colendisare’ [meaning “to practice a reverend ceremony”] (from colere, to revere), because through that usage Christ was revered at his birthday, and not in the Calends [the Calends is the New Year Jan. 1]. If this report does not imply that medieval Christmas in South Germany took the place of an older Calends celebration according to Roman usage, I do not know what it implies. The confusion in which the minds of both authors are is best shown by the fact that they not only regard the Calends [that is, New Year] rites as an imitation and distortion of Christmas rites caused by the devil, but at the same time inform us that up to St. [not a Saint!] Adalbert’s time the Calends [New Year] alone prevailed, and that it was this Saint [so-called] who transferred to Christmas the Calendisationes or Calends [New Year] processions,—two statements which are mutually exclusive.
[Notice the contrast with earlier more Bible-based customs shown in the following statements:] When the Chapters of Bishop Martin of Bracae, A.D. 575, forbade the faithful to observe dangerous Calends [New Year] customs, to keep the heathen times of leisure, and to adorn their houses round about with laurel and green trees, he rendered a very great service indeed to folklore, for this seems to be the only prohibition of that Calends [New Year] custom which has come down to us, and it is not until eight hundred years later that we can show houses to have been adorned with green and trees at New Year and Christmas. It is told, however, of the [ancient Italian] Sabinian king Tatius, to whom by the legend a date is given about the middle of the eighth century B.C, that in winter he received branches of a happy or fortunate tree from the grove of Streniae as favourable omens with respect to the new year. It is true that story is told by a Roman writer of about 400 A.D., Q. Aurelius Symmachus, and it cannot therefore be regarded as affording any evidence on a state of things twelve hundred years before that time. But the one thing certain from it is that, in the time of the Roman empire, there existed the habit of presenting to people, on the Calends of January [New Year, Jan. 1], branches of trees for the sake of good luck in the new year. It is again solely from this custom that we learn the meaning of the adornment of houses with laurel and green trees in the sixth century. These things were put up as good omens for the luck of the year. Even later evidence of this custom is very scarce. That in Italy it lived on we know at the end of the fifteenth century, through Polydore Vergil, who says: “Trimmyng of the Temples with hangynges, floures, boughes, and garlandes, was taken of the Heathen people, whiche decked their Idoles and houses with suche arraye.” In Germany the two fifteenth century witnesses for that usage come both from the Rhine country, from Strassburg, and both mention that at New Year’s day the houses were adorned with green fir branches.
In Strassburg it is also that, a hundred years later, the first Christmas tree appears, a usage which seems to have sprung out of the union of the habit of adorning houses with green branches and trees according to Roman Calends [New Year] custom, and of a Christian tenth century legend, according to which, in the night when the Saviour was born, all trees bloom and bring forth fruits in the forest. This legend can be proved to have been very popular in the Germany of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.
In England the same custom must have been popular, at least in the fifteenth century, even in the form of trees or artificial trees. “Against the Feast of Christmas, euery mans house, as also their parish Churches, were decked with Holm, Iuy, Bayes, and whatsoeuer the season of the yeere aforded to be greene. The Conduits and Standards in the streetes were, likewise, garnished. Amongst the which, I read, that in the yeere 1444, ‘by tempest of thunder and lightning, on the first of February at night, Pauls steeple was fiered, but with great labour quenched, and toward the morning of Candlemas day, at the Leaden Hall in Cornhill, a Standard of tree being set up in the midst of the pauement, fast in the ground, nayled full of Holme and Iuy, for disport of Christmas to the people, was torne up and cast downe by the malignant Spirit (as was thought), and the stones of the pauement all about were cast in the streets, and into divers houses, so that the people were sore aghast at the great Tempests.'”
Gay, in his Trivia, sings:
“When Rosemary and Bays, the poet’s crown,
Are bawl’d in frequent cries through all the town;
Then judge the festival of Christmas near,
Christmas, the joyous period of the year!
Now with bright Holly all the temples strow
With Laurel green, and sacred Mistletoe.”
And from that time on there is a complete continuity of tradition as regards the adornment of houses and churches by holly and ivy, evergreen and mistletoe, box and bay. There are the well-known fifteenth century carols about the contest between Holly and Ivy:
“Holly and Ivy, Box and Bay,
Put in the Church on Christmas day.”
PS. A little background on our Fairy-Fir-Tree “Saint” Adalbert, who takes the lion’s share of the blame for the filthy so-called “Christmas” cult as practiced today. He is the Roman “Catholic” patron-saint of Poland, and got that dubious distinction on account of the following “missionary” enterprises. After failing to “convert” the (already-converted) Old Slavic Christians further South, Adalbert decided it would be easier to win simple pagans to Rome’s Christianized military machine. He was the “Pope’s” chief representative on the Northern Germanic front, and a close relative of the “Holy Roman” Emperor, who headed the “Pope’s” thug-regime in Germany. As has widely been proclaimed, the “Holy Roman Empire” was neither “Holy”, nor “Roman” nor an “Empire”. It was a cultic fraternity of Barbarian chiefs bent on thrusting the “Pope’s” Vatican regime on as many poor deluded peasants as possible, if necessary by massacre and mayhem. So our Fairy-Fir-Tree “Saint” Adalbert towards the end of the tenth century AD, despaired of tricking the canny Slavic Christians (with their Received Text Old Slavonic Bibles), and headed off to “convert” what he imagined to be the more easily-deluded pagan peasants of Prussia. Venturing into their land, he was quickly pierced through by the alert pagan peasants — seven spears went through his torso, pinning him to the ground in the posture of the Roman crucifix. Quite appropriate really. He was followed over 200 years by another three Roman “missionary” attempts, and each time the Prussian peasants executed or banished the Roman spies (sorry, “missionaries”). Finally the “Pope” had enough of it and in the 13th century resorted to his normal tactics. He sent in the unemployed Crusaders known as the “Teutonic Knights” and the Order of the “Brethren of the Sword” (both of them sort-of Roman jihadi units), and massacred the pagan Prussians in a scorched-earth campaign across Prussia. He then imported settlers from Germany to occupy the devastated villages and hamlets under the eyes of the Roman barons in their highly fortified castles constructed for the purpose on the mountain-tops. Obviously, after that, Prussia (Poland) was “Catholic”. What a wonderful, miraculous conversion!!! That’s how it remained till the Reformation when, after recovering somewhat from the devastation, the poor Prussians threw off Roman “Catholicism” and brought forth a glorious Reformed church. The Pope didn’t let it last long and crushed this new movement in Prussia ruthlessly in the Counter Reformation. After that second round of massacring and mayhem, blessed by the “Pope”, Prussia (Poland) remained in the backwater of fanatical Romanism right to the present day.
For more on the pagan ceremony of “Christmas” try this: http://www.christianhospitality.org/wp/?p=979
For some Bible light on the pagan, pseudo-Christian, festival of “Easter”
try this: http://www.christianhospitality.org/wp/?p=575
Get the Bible facts about the Satanic festival of Valentine’s Day at this link: http://www.christianhospitality.org/wp/?p=2770.