The Vatican killed Lincoln

That great Christian gentleman, Abraham Lincoln. Without him the United States would by now be just one huge concentration camp. Who murdered him? The answer is simple: the Vatican and the Jesuits. Read this small book by one of the officers who conducted the inquiry into his murder:

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The Massacring Evil, Financial and Political, of the False “Christian Churches”

We as born-again, Spirit-filled Christians belong to the True Church. That is not an organization, but a spiritual fellowship. You can’t join it, you are spiritually born into it by believing in the Messiah Jesus and receiving His living Spirit into your heart. It’s made up of all individuals who have done this, wherever they are, and however many or few they are. Together they form, in the sight of God, the Mystical Body of Christ. Each individual true believer is a member or part of Jesus’ Body and He is the Head Who controls it all. God deals with Israel as a NATION (they are God’s nation, and His only nation, under the Law given to them on Mount Sinai). God deals with the non-Israelites, the Gentiles, AS INDIVIDUALS, through the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah. Now that is the true Church of Jesus, the Mystical Body of Christ.

On the other hand, since the corruption of the early Church in the Middle Ages, there are many false, so-called Christian CULTS or organizations, which a person JOINS. This is a different thing altogether. It was never ordained by God. Examples of these cult organizations are the Roman “Catholic” cult, the oldest of all, formed and organized at the Nicene Council in AD 325 under Emperor Constantine. That eventually split into two wings, the Western or Latin or Vatican form in Rome and the Eastern or Orthodox form in Greece and later Russia. Then after one thousand years of Dark Ages brought on by that cult came the Reformation, in the 16th and following centuries, when many true Spirit-filled Christians like Martin Luther and John Wesley etc. broke away, trying to reform individual Christians and get them back to the original true Spirit-filled way. Unfortunately their later followers formed multiple organizations themselves, imitating the bad practice of the “Mother” of organizations, Rome. So was formed the Lutheran cult organization, the Methodist cult organization, the Presbyterian cult organization, the Anglican cult organization, the Pentecostal cult organizations etc. etc. What a mess! But through it all there have been individuals in those organizations and out of them who have got filled with the Spirit of Christ and entered into the true Mystical Body of the Messiah.

Now at the end-time the false organizations are banding together, as prophesied in the Holy Bible under two main umbrella groups, the Roman “Catholic” cult and the Ecumenical movement also known as the World Council of “Churches”. They are the ANTI or FALSE so-called Churches versus the true Spirit-filled Church. As always the FALSE persecutes and outlaws and condemns the TRUE. The false also works by EARTHLY not by SPIRITUAL HEAVENLY SUPERNATURAL power. The FALSE Church uses POLITICS AND MONEY AND WAR to achieve its ends. In the end-time it’s prophesied the false cults will band together against the Spirit-filled Mystical TRUE Church, composed of believing Spirit-filled individuals, and against God’s chosen nation, Israel.

The false cults’ hatred of Israel explains why they form alliances with anti-Israel Muslim dictatorships. Via the Muslim dictators and terrorist groups they ATTACK ISRAEL. You can see many examples of this right now in the Middle East. For example, the murderous regime of Assad in Syria is massacring its own population as this is written, simply because they want freedom, and the whole Satanic regime is propped up BY ORTHODOX, SO-CALLED CHRISTIAN RUSSIA. So-called “Christian” America meanwhile DOES NOTHING TO STOP HIS MASSACRING, JUST LIKE THEY DID NOTHING TO STOP HITLER’S MASSACRING OF JEWS IN WORLD WAR 2. I suppose afterwards they’ll all “feel sorry”. Likewise in Saudi Arabia the massacring dictatorship of the current Saudi royal family, which suppresses the majority of the population in Bahrain with tanks and secret police IS PROPPED UP BY THE VATICAN OR ROMAN “CATHOLIC” CULT, USING ITS ALLIES IN THE USA. Also the Ecumenical movement or World Council of “Churches” regularly uses its vast monetary resources to support PALESTINIAN MAFIA TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS LIKE THE PLO AND HAMAS to attack and terrorize Israel. This explains the obsession of these cults with the Middle East. Now if you imagine that these so-called “Church” organizations don’t have political or military “clout”, you need a lesson in history. FOLLOW THE MONEY. Whoever HAS THE MONEY CONTROLS POLITICS.

Well, you might say, that means the colossal multi-national corporations control politics. To an extent that is true. But who controls the multi-national corporations???? Clearly the organizations WITH MORE MONEY THAN THEY HAVE. Now let’s take a very rough look at the financial clout of the Ecumenical movement, the World Council of “Churches”. This more or less represents the combined forces of the so-called Protestant organizations. These groups, of course, don’t like to spill the beans on how much money and assets they own — it would kinda give away their agenda. They’re not spiritual Christ-like organizations, they’re political regimes.

Still we can estimate the COLOSSAL SIZE OF THEIR FINANCIAL AND POLITICAL POWER by taking ONE SMALL item on their ASSETS-LIST and totting up its worth in dollars. The following gives a very underestimated total of their LOW-END PROPERTY ASSETS ONLY, that is the total of low-end Church buildings owned by these groups. It’s based on the market-value of the average Church property in Texas USA, and merely the kind of property they’d like to sell off right now, that is LOW-END. It doesn’t include the much better properties they want to keep (like CATHEDRALS, HUGE GREAT COMPLEXES ETC IN THE PLUSHEST PARTS OF THE LAND, particularly in CENTRAL CITY LOCATIONS). I would estimate if you included these you’d have to multiply the total by at least ten times. Also, it doesn’t include the enormous investments in land and infrastructure these super-rich organizations possess (malls, factories, commercial operations, legal and illegal), which is of vastly superior financial worth. Now just take this LOW-END ASSET LIST OF THROW-AWAY CHURCH BUILDINGS. Let me tell you the result before I give you the figures. The estimated low-end asset list value of the WCC (World Council of “Churches” or Ecumenical movement) in the developed world (USA and Europe combined) IS 1.1 TRILLION DOLLARS. THAT BEATS HANDS-DOWN NUMBERS 1 AND 2 OF THE MULTI-NATIONAL CORPORATIONS ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE, APPLE AND EXXON-MOBIL, who total a measly $528.38 billion and $391.67 billion respectively. POOR NEIGHBORS! THE VATICAN IS MUCH RICHER THAN THE WORLD COUNCIL OF “CHURCHES” OF COURSE SINCE IT’S BEEN GOING FOR A COUPLE OF THOUSAND YEARS OR SO.

In the following rough calculation of low-end property assets WCC stands for World Council of “Churches”:

$28,884,238 sale value of 25 church buildings Texas area. Therefore average value $1,155,369.52 or approx. $1,000,000 per property.

Of the Episcopalian churches: “He took most of the Diocese of Fort Worth with him: 48 churches, 15,000 parishioners, and more than 58 clergy.”

Episcopalians 69 churches Dallas diocese. Total Dallas-FW = 117

Round total value Dallas-FW = $100,000,000.

WCC “A worldwide fellowship of 349 churches seeking unity”

Say top 5 of the WCC organizations are roughly equivalent to Episcopalians in property low-end

Rough estimate: half these churches have half the property value.

Other half has equivalent to a single “ecumenical property value unit”

Therefore, total WCC property value = $100,000,000 x 5 + $50,000,000 x 172 + $1,000,000 x 172
= 500,000,000 + 8,600,000,000 + 172,000,000 = $9,272,000,000

Approx $10 billion (low end). Population of Dallas-FW metroplex approx. 6.5 million. USA population approx 312 million.

Therefore proportionately total US WCC property value = 312/6.5 x 9,272,000,000 = 48 x 9,272,000,000 = $445,056,000,000

Approx $450 billion.

12% of world population lives in North America Western Europe

World Population = approx. 7,000,000,000
12% = 840,000,000 therefore 840/6.5 = approx 129

129 x 9,272,000,000 = 1,196,088,000,000 = property value WCC developed world (low end), approx $1.1 trillion

Compare current approx market value of Exxon Mobil = $391.67 billion

1 United States Apple Electronics $528.38 billion
2 United States Exxon Mobil Oil and gas $391.67 billion
3 United States Microsoft Information technology $261.46 billion
4 China PetroChina Oil and gas $246.83 billion
5 United States IBM Information technology $233.09 billion
6 United States Wal-Mart Retailing $222.10 billion
7 Hong Kong China Mobile Telecommunications $204.64 billion
8 Netherlands United Kingdom Royal Dutch Shell Oil and gas $203.19 billion
9 United States General Electric Conglomerate $203.16 billion
10 United States AT&T Telecommunications $199.74 billion

The Wife is Her Husband’s Property — God says so

If you’ve got this far, you’re not doing too bad. You got past the Headline. I want to show you, by the help of God, how far the United States has moved off of God’s Word, and therefore come under God’s judgment. THERE IS NO REMEDY FOR AMERICA, AND FOR THE REST OF THE WORLD, EXCEPT TO COME BACK TO GOD’S WORD — REPENT AND START OVER.

By saying this, you should realize it’s not only America. Of all the countries in the world, even to this same time, the United States is by far the most free and the best constituted. And so it will remain until Israel takes the crown, when it receives Jesus as the Messiah (which it will shortly do). When that happens, the creeping evil rising up in America will swallow up the whole country, and the whole world, and will introduce a military dictatorship worse than anything seen before in history. That evil entity will be under the religious control of the Vatican using as its American front the World Council of “Churches”. As Satan took over God’s Eden by working first on the woman Eve, so Satan is right now rising to power in America by working on women.

The political fall of America started with the granting of the vote to women. The original Constitution of America, that great Christian document, gave no such right. And remember those who take an oath to uphold the Constitution take that oath to PRESERVE as well as to defend it. What happened? Someone somewhere FAILED TO PRESERVE that original Constitution. The original Constitution was based on certain UNALIENABLE RIGHTS (that means rights which can’t be taken away by anyone) given by God to the whole human race. One of those God given rights is the RIGHT OF EVERY MARRIED MAN TO THE COMPLETE OWNERSHIP OF HIS WIFE. God Himself says this very clearly in the Word of God, the Bible. The Tenth Commandment says, I quote:

Exodus 20:17 “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor’s.”

God doesn’t believe in Communism. There is nothing “Communal” or “Community” here. God says the wife BELONGS TO THE HUSBAND (THE MALE NEIGHBOR), NOT TO THE COMMUNITY, THE GOVERNMENT, THE GARBAGE COLLECTOR, THE MAGISTRATE, THE LOCAL POP GOON OR ANYONE ELSE. Now if some “Government” comes along with a “better idea” than God, and says to that man’s wife, “Oh my darling, you poor soul, under that evil, evil man, I’ll tell you what, YOU DON’T HAVE TO LISTEN TO HIM, IF YOU WANT TO VOTE FOR ME, YOU CAN, AND HE CAN’T STOP YOU, I’LL SEND MY POLICEMEN TO MAKE SURE HE DOESN’T STOP YOU — YOU’RE FREEEEEEEE, YOU’RE AMERICAN, STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS!!!!!!!” Now you see what has happened. That “Government” has BROKEN THE 10TH COMMANDMENT, and has USURPED THE GOD-GIVEN, UNALIENABLE RIGHTS OF THE HUSBAND TO THE TOTAL OWNERSHIP OF HIS WIFE. The “Government” will pay for that. God will take vengeance. No way will it get out of that. Judgment will fall. Don’t believe Satan’s lie — the same lie he told Eve in Eden: “No, Eve, YOU WON’T SURELY DIE, IF YOU DO WHAT I SAY. God’s commandment has been misinterpreted to you. God didn’t mean that.” BUT GOD DID MEAN WHAT HE SAID. EVE DIED. SO WILL YOU DIE IF YOU BREAK THIS TENTH COMMANDMENT.

Now instead of upholding God’s commandment, clearly stated in the Bible, the US “Government” went on a wild “liberty” binge, claiming that it was going to “liberate” women. That’s just what Satan said he was going to do to Eve, “liberate” her, “enlighten her eyes”. Really he wanted to SEXUALLY ABUSE HER. Yes. That was his aim. He wanted to take Eve out of Adam’s control, and replace Adam’s headship with his own evil headship. And that is what the “Government” is up to today. That is what the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution did. It gave the women a “right” to vote the way they wanted to, which they never had from God, a “right”, that is, to DISREGARD THEIR HUSBAND’S WISHES. Because that Amendment DID NOT PRESERVE THE ORIGINAL CONSTITUTION, BECAUSE IT DISREGARDED THE GOD-GIVEN UNALIENABLE RIGHTS OF THE CITIZENS, IT IS ILLEGITIMATE AND OUGHT TO BE REPEALED FORTHWITH.

The “Government” wants by this means to sweep away the biggest obstacle they’ve got to their planned military dictatorship, and that is the many INDIVIDUAL PATRIARCHAL MALE HEADS OF EACH BIBLE-BELIEVING HOUSEHOLD IN AMERICA, IN A WORD, THE HUSBANDS. If they can undermine the authority of the husband and get access to the weaker wives and children, they have successfully undermined the Bible-believing units of each Bible-believing household, under the headship of the Christian man. Then they can dismantle the whole structure and take over. They can take the children off to their indoctrination centers, the local “Government”-run school or uni(sex-per)versity, get them to abandon their family home under the Christian male, and give the wife “free” money (taxpayers’ dollars) doing some useless paper-shifting in some monstrous “Government”-run office. That will lead (as it already has) to the abandonment of the husband, and the emergence of the “single mother”. That in turn causes a VAST DRAIN ON MONEY AND RESOURCES OF THE STATE (TAXPAYERS DOLLARS) CHANNELED TO USELESS WOMEN RUNNING AROUND LOOKING BUSY BUT DOING NOTHING OF VALUE TO THE LONG-TERM INTERESTS OF THE STATE. THE CHILDREN ARE ABANDONED AND HAVE TO FEND FOR THEMSELVES. THEY GROW UP AS LATCH-KEY KIDS, DRUNK, DRUGGED AND PUNKED INTO TOTAL IDLENESS. Yes, that is exactly what has happened, and it’s getting worse. So don’t think there’s any easy fix to this economy. It’ll get worse if you don’t deal with the problem that’s causing it. The last thing you need is WOMEN POLITICIANS TO COME ALONG AND CLAIM THEY’RE GOING TO FIX IT. They’re the very worst example to give the pitiable, drugged, benighted, diabetic, obese, dependent, single mothers of this sin-sick society.

Back to the Bible, back to the Word of God, back to the Saint Paul Gospel and the Bible Holy Ghost!

For more Bible teaching on this, see the Blog Post “Faith of the Fathers” at this link.

Comfort and Joy


The great battle is here, the showdown between Christ and Satan. Who gets the last laugh? God! Read Psalm 2:

“2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,
3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.
5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.
6 Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.”

The kings of the earth have set themselves against the true Bible-believers. They have taken counsel in the Vatican and the World Council of “Churches” to destroy the true faith of the Messiah Jesus and stop Israel from receiving the Gospel and receiving power from God as a result. Their plan will not work. It is doomed to failure, as this Psalm tells us.

First these evil pseudo-Christian cults took aim at the Bible-believers’ place of refuge in America. They plotted to destroy America financially at the very beginning of the 20th century, because finance was becoming America’s strong-point, as God blessed its Bible-belt backbone. The monarchy in England, the heads of the Anglican cult, had miserably failed to crush the rebel colonies of America in the 1800s. So in the early 1900s they tried a different tack — they used their vast illegally-gotten wealth stashed in the Bank of England to finance the “Federal Reserve Bank” project in the USA. Bribing a few corrupt and very wealthy American politicians, like one Mr. Aldrich, was a necessary evil, from their polluted point of view, to achieve their end. The “Federal Reserve” central bank would be used to turn the American dollar gradually over the decades into a worthless piece of paper, and thus impoverish the Bible-belt. It worked. We saw the result last year. Now they are moving in for the kill.

Remember the Anglican Cult at that time was far from being what it was originally — a Protestant Church. By the 1900s it had been infiltrated and taken over in its upper echelons by the Jesuits, masquerading as “High Church” Anglicans. This process had started in the 19th century with the so-called Oxford Movement, which was overtly a “Catholicization” of the Anglicans by intellectual pro-Roman snobs at Oxford. Thus, when the Bank of England set up its “take over America” banking scheme, it was already the Anglican Cult PLUS its Vatican moles embedded within it doing the dirty-work. As usual, they used the despotic, Biblically-illiterate, royal upper-class twits of England and Europe to provide them with hard cash (mainly gold). The priests of the Anglican Cult and of the Vatican gained power over these social top-graders by giving them a “Christian” cover for their totally selfish, petty, little kingdoms.

Mainly at the time the hard cash came from the British monarchy via the Bank of England, and from the Austrian Hapsburgs and the German Kaisers via the central bank in Germany. When the “Federal Reserve” Bank was set up in New York it was these filthy pseudo-religious money merchants of Europe behind it. Their aim — solely to destroy America as a Bible-believing country. The leaders of the project, it goes without saying, were Devil-inspired. This means the thing is (ultimately) doomed to failure, because the Devil is a cosmic Dumbo. As you can see from the Psalm quoted above, God is going to have the last laugh here.

But even the Devil is not without some superficial intellectual power. The monarchies of Europe had worked out that it was (and is) always best to have Jews in charge of money-management. This is so, because Jews, being God’s chosen people, are going to be blessed by the Creator. That includes financially. You will never beat the Jews in a money deal, so don’t try. And may God bless them and continue to bless them abundantly! There was a rich and devious Babylonian in ancient times called Laban, and he got Jacob, the ancestor of all the Jews, to manage his money for him, because, as Laban admitted: “I have learned by experience that the LORD hath blessed me for thy sake.” (Genesis 30. 27.) Even though Jacob was outside of his own God-given homeland at that time (Jews are commanded by God always to live in their own land, Israel), and was capable of some very tricky business manoevering himself, God still blessed him. So it is today with Jacob’s descendants.

Now these Jewish managers of the Bank of England and the European banks, headed up by Paul Warburg, the Jewish genius behind the “Federal Reserve” system, were not going to be walkovers in the operation. After all, America was a place of refuge for Jews as well as Bible-believing Christians. Paul Warburg himself played a major part in securing Jewish refugees from Russian Czarist pogroms a new home in America. The last thing the Jews wanted was to harm their own place of refuge. The European Cults and their monarchical allies knew this. To buy off any qualms they might have about it, they made the Jews an offer they couldn’t refuse: in exchange for the Jewish bank-managers’ co-operation in the setting up of a central Bank in America, the English monarchy offered them — yes, the land of Israel itself. Up to that time Palestine had been under the dictatorship of the Muslim Turks. But England was heading for war with Turkey, and had no desire to possess permanently this (to them) useless little bit of real-estate in Palestine. What better, they thought, than to put it to good use and bribe the Jews with a real, authentic, Biblical, place of refuge for them in their own land? It was a Devilishly-cunning scheme, but one which God was using to get the Jews back to their homeland.

So, when the inevitable war occurred (World War 1) the English booted Turkey out of Palestine and offered it to the Jews. (An offer of this kind to the “foreign race” of the Jews is completely contrary to the naturally selfish, racist, egotistical, power-hungry, inclination of the English upper-classes, as anyone acquainted with them will admit, and could only happen in the circumstances outlined, where there was a very big VESTED INTEREST OF A FINANCIAL KIND. That it wasn’t a love-gift is proved by the fact that within 20 years the British turned against the Jews of Palestine and helped the local Arab gangsters massacre them — as the Brits’ own Anglican Cult and its cronies in the World Council of “Churches” still do today.) In the meantime, the Jews got their homeland, God turning the politics to their advantage, and the European banks got their “Federal Reserve” central bank in the USA.

Immediately the corruption of the American money-system went into operation. As the Vatican hold on the Anglican Cult in Britain got stronger, the Vatican’s stakes in the “Federal Reserve” Bank increased. By the time World War 2 came on, the Vatican was stashing gold by the container-load in “Protestant” America. Much of this gold was siphoned off from the Nazis’ looting of Europe in the War via the Vatican’s convent system: German military men found the Vatican’s convents and monasteries very convenient and commodious hiding holes for their ill-gotten gains.

The pity is that the few rich, corrupt, Americans like Aldrich who promoted the scheme, hoping only to line their own pockets, were (and surely they must have known this) handing their own country over to a bunch of European sharks. The Europeanization of America and its abandonment of true Bible faith has been the consequence of the financial wheeler-dealing of those traitors. Their motives, of course, were wholly selfish. Aldrich and his fellow rich monopolists of American business in the second half of the nineteenth century had been threatened with financial castration by the popular movement to bring in an “income” tax, that is, by whatever means might be Constitutionally possible, a tax on RICH MEN’s surplus wealth. Aldrich fought with all his might to stop this tax on the rich. Eventually the 16th Amendment to the US Constitution was passed, ensuring there would indeed be an “income” tax (however that was to be Constitutionally interpreted). Aldrich’s response was to thwart the popular movement by setting up his “Federal Reserve” central Bank and grab the money back by deceit. He also set up a scheme to neutralize the 16th Amendment by MISINTERPRETING the law so as to redefine the word “income” here as the ordinary person’s living wage, instead of what it was originally intended to be, the rich man’s perks. That has been ever-since the main purpose of the IRS, the American Tax service (“INLAND ROBBERY SERVICE”) — to misinterpret the word “income” in the Constitution’s 16th Amendment and apply it wrongly and illegally to the mass of American citizens. That is why to this day THERE EXISTS NO LAW IN WRITING INSTRUCTING AMERICAN RESIDENTS TO FILE AN INCOME TAX RETURN. If there was such, the US Government would be prosecutable for fraud and extortion by misleading the ordinary people into thinking the earnings they live on are taxable. You can now see the Devilish nature of this system, both in the “Federal Reserve” central bank and in the IRS. It is anti-God, anti-Bible, anti-American, and anti-Israel.

As the American system is brought to ruin by these evil financial manipulators, God is preparing His people for the final Godly laugh. The Devil is going to be defeated by the rapture of Jesus’ Bride into heaven and by the spiritual rebirth of Israel, which will very soon accept the Messiah Jesus under two prophet witnesses (as described in Revelation chapter 11) and throw off the corrupt pseudo-church world-powers. So it’s COMFORT AND JOY truly this season for the people of God worldwide. Shalom in the Messiah Jesus!

Sodomy promoted by Obama

It was alleged during the last election campaign that Mr. Obama is a practicing Sodomite (homosexual, bisexual, “gay” whatever you want to call it). Whether that is true or not, it is undoubtedly true that he is vigorously promoting Sodomy with all the fervor of a devotee. On the White House’s own web site no less than three fifths of his so-called “Civil Rights” agenda is targeted at extending and promoting Sodomy. At the end of this post you can read his full Sodomite program. Notice the imbalance: the REAL Civil Rights abuse in the USA today — the crushing of the rights of all individuals and States of the Union to protect themselves against government interference — IS IGNORED, and the agenda of a very deviant and peculiar set of people is treated as though it is the burning issue of the day.

Now let’s get this clear. Only a tiny minority of the population of the USA is actively Sodomite. However the more vocal members of this numerically quite insignificant sub-sect love to get themselves voted into government office, often hiding or playing down their orientation for the purpose, in order to get laws passed which favor their deviant practices. They hope thus to protect themselves against the inclination of the average redneck, which is, quite frankly, to “lynch ’em!”. That’s why a disproportionate number of politicians and state and local officials are Sodomite, compared to the average in the population. That’s also why Sodomites have a paranoid obsession with “rights” (meaning their rights to practice their deviancy). This comes out clearly in Mr. Obama’s mad rush to enact laws protecting Sodomites’ supposed “rights”.

A larger portion of the population, duped by propaganda in the “mainstream” media, is tolerant of Sodomite behavior in others, because it has been instructed to believe that such tolerance is a sign of modernity, maturity, magnanimity.

We as true Bible-believing Christians, followers of Jesus Christ, only need to find out WHAT GOD SAYS ABOUT SODOMY. We are not interested in what anyone else says, so-called “government” or otherwise. Any law which BREAKS GOD’S LAW IS ILLEGAL. We have a Christian duty to DISOBEY ANY SO-CALLED GOVERNMENT REGULATION WHICH IS ANTI-BIBLE. The Devil’s kingdom of this world is in the process of TOTAL COLLAPSE, and that’s because of its anti-God agenda.

What does God say about sodomy? Let’s get a few Bible verses about it.

1 Corinthians 6. 9f.: “9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.”

Abusers of themselves with mankind“. This Bible word means any male who abuses (= wrongly uses) his body by intercourse with another male. The Greek original word for this is “arsenokoites” {pronounced ar-sen-ok-oy’-tace} I quote from the dictionary: “Meaning: 1) one who lies with a male as with a female, sodomite, homosexual.” This Scripture proves sodomites, homosexuals will not get into heaven, they will end up in hell, along with the effeminate. How the followers of the neo-ethics of this perverted age hate this fact. They want to con people that sexual deviancy is not a sin. The Word of God says opposite.

The Bible says THE LAW OF GOD is aimed at condemning people such as these: 1 Timothy 1. 9ff.: “9 Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, 10 For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine.” “Them that defile themselves with mankind” is exactly the same Greek word in the original as the above: arsenokoites, a sodomite, homosexual, so-called “gay”.

The word “lie with” here is the common word in Jewish culture, meaning “have sexual intercourse with” similar to the slang English expression “get laid” (the apostles who wrote the New Testament were Jews who believed in Jesus and used Jewish language). It is the Jewish or Hebrew word shakav which means, according to the dictionary: “Meaning: 1) to lie down 1)  to lie, lie down, lie on 2) to lodge 3) to lie (of sexual relations) 4) to lie down (in death) 5) to rest, relax (fig) [in the passive mood] 1)  to be lain with (sexually)to be lain with (sexually) 1d) … to make to lie down … to be laid”. Males who lie sexually with other males are condemned to hell, unless they truly repent of this evil, turn to have faith in Jesus Christ AND PRODUCE THE FRUITS OF REPENTANCE IN THEIR LIVES AFTER REPENTING. You can’t call yourself a Christian, then continue happily on in sin: 2 Timothy 2. 19: “And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

The New Testament says the Law of God forbids this, and God will punish it. Therefore you can see the apostles of Jesus believed the LAW OF GOD IN THE OLD TESTAMENT IS STILL VALID TODAY AND WILL BE USED BY GOD TO CONDEMN SINNERS LIKE SODOMITES AT THE JUDGMENT UNLESS THEY REPENT AND BELIEVE TRULY IN JESUS. The Law of God says this about sodomy and bestiality (note exactly the same as in the New Testament condemnation of sodomy) Leviticus 18. 22ff. “22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. 23 Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. 24 Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you.” God NEVER CHANGES. Malachi 3. 6: ” 6 For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.” Hebrews 13. 8: ” 8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” Anything that was abomination to God in the past STILL IS ABOMINATION NOW. That includes sodomy. Since God’s attitude does not change, because He is eternal, the same kind of judgment will follow on any nation that practices abomination: they WILL BE CAST OUT OF THE LAND. America is heading today towards destruction, because of this practice of abomination. When God sees unrepentant sinners continuing on in their abomination practices IN SPITE OF HIS STRICT COMMANDMENT, he lets them get a REPROBATE (= disapproved, not as it ought to be) mind, so their judgment, when it surely comes will be worse: Romans 1. 26ff.:

“26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, GOD GAVE THEM OVER TO A REPROBATE MIND, to do those things which are not convenient …. 32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” In their REPROBATE mind, they actually think sodomy is OK. That is in spite of WHAT THEY KNOW GOD SAYS ABOUT IT IN HIS WORD. And God here in the last sentence condemns NOT ONLY the practicers of sodomy, BUT ALSO THOSE WHO HAVE PLEASURE IN THE COMPANY AND WAYS OF SODOMITES, even if they don’t practice it themselves. Mr. Obama comes in one of these two categories.

Note the New Testament, the Word of God, says here SODOMITES SHOULD BE EXECUTED, being worthy of death. This is the same penalty as was given to Sodomites in the Old Testament Law. Nothing has changed here. God says they are WORTHY OF DEATH. He also says that they get afflicted in their body with appropriate diseases, like AIDS and HIV, because they practice such unnatural behavior. (Romans 1. 27 above: “ and receiving in themselves that recompence [= punishment, payback] of their error which was meet.”) It is because the governments of this wicked age, under misguided neo-ethics promoted by soft, effeminate vicars and priests, have stopped executing Sodomites and perverts, that God is bringing judgment swiftly upon it, the USA being the leading culprit in this mass abandonment of Bible faith.

The following, for your information, is Mr. Obama’s filthy, perverted, anti-God agenda to promote sodomy:

(LBGT in the agenda summary below stands for Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transgender.)

“Support for the LGBT Community

“While we have come a long way since the Stonewall riots in 1969, we still have a lot of work to do. Too often, the issue of LGBT rights is exploited by those seeking to divide us. But at its core, this issue is about who we are as Americans. It’s about whether this nation is going to live up to its founding promise of equality by treating all its citizens with dignity and respect.”

— Barack Obama, June 1, 2007

* Expand Hate Crimes Statutes: In 2004, crimes against LGBT Americans constituted the third-highest category of hate crime reported and made up more than 15 percent of such crimes. President Obama cosponsored legislation that would expand federal jurisdiction to include violent hate crimes perpetrated because of race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or physical disability. As a state senator, President Obama passed tough legislation that made hate crimes and conspiracy to commit them against the law.
* Fight Workplace Discrimination: President Obama supports the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, and believes that our anti-discrimination employment laws should be expanded to include sexual orientation and gender identity. While an increasing number of employers have extended benefits to their employees’ domestic partners, discrimination based on sexual orientation in the workplace occurs with no federal legal remedy. The President also sponsored legislation in the Illinois State Senate that would ban employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
* Support Full Civil Unions and Federal Rights for LGBT Couples: President Obama supports full civil unions that give same-sex couples legal rights and privileges equal to those of married couples. Obama also believes we need to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act and enact legislation that would ensure that the 1,100+ federal legal rights and benefits currently provided on the basis of marital status are extended to same-sex couples in civil unions and other legally-recognized unions. These rights and benefits include the right to assist a loved one in times of emergency, the right to equal health insurance and other employment benefits, and property rights.
* Oppose a Constitutional Ban on Same-Sex Marriage: President Obama voted against the Federal Marriage Amendment in 2006 which would have defined marriage as between a man and a woman and prevented judicial extension of marriage-like rights to same-sex or other unmarried couples.
* Repeal Don’t Ask-Don’t Tell: President Obama agrees with former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff John Shalikashvili and other military experts that we need to repeal the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. The key test for military service should be patriotism, a sense of duty, and a willingness to serve. Discrimination should be prohibited. The U.S. government has spent millions of dollars replacing troops kicked out of the military because of their sexual orientation. Additionally, more than 300 language experts have been fired under this policy, including more than 50 who are fluent in Arabic. The President will work with military leaders to repeal the current policy and ensure it helps accomplish our national defense goals.
* Expand Adoption Rights: President Obama believes that we must ensure adoption rights for all couples and individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation. He thinks that a child will benefit from a healthy and loving home, whether the parents are gay or not.
* Promote AIDS Prevention: In the first year of his presidency, President Obama will develop and begin to implement a comprehensive national HIV/AIDS strategy that includes all federal agencies. The strategy will be designed to reduce HIV infections, increase access to care and reduce HIV-related health disparities. The President will support common sense approaches including age-appropriate sex education that includes information about contraception, combating infection within our prison population through education and contraception, and distributing contraceptives through our public health system. The President also supports lifting the federal ban on needle exchange, which could dramatically reduce rates of infection among drug users. President Obama has also been willing to confront the stigma — too often tied to homophobia — that continues to surround HIV/AIDS.
* Empower Women to Prevent HIV/AIDS: In the United States, the percentage of women diagnosed with AIDS has quadrupled over the last 20 years. Today, women account for more than one quarter of all new HIV/AIDS diagnoses. President Obama introduced the Microbicide Development Act, which will accelerate the development of products that empower women in the battle against AIDS. Microbicides are a class of products currently under development that women apply topically to prevent transmission of HIV and other infections.”

UPDATE 13th May 2009:

Mysteriously the above diatribe has disappeared from the White House web site, and has been replaced by the following few sentences tucked away in a corner:

“President Obama also continues to support the Employment Non-Discrimination Act and believes that our anti-discrimination employment laws should be expanded to include sexual orientation and gender identity. He supports full civil unions and federal rights for LGBT couples and opposes a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. He supports repealing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell in a sensible way that strengthens our armed forces and our national security, and also believes that we must ensure adoption rights for all couples and individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation.”

As usual the exposure of shameless anti-God behavior has resulted in a public retreat. That is not to say the agenda has changed, it has merely (for the moment at least) ducked its head into the trench. Given Mr. Obama’s obsession with the issue, it will surely pop its ugly little head up again in the not too distant future.