From Convent to Pentecost

Chapter 12

Babies Born

In the bassinet basking in the sun lay a tiny bundle from heaven. Mother is now placing the steaming potatoes and the grilled steak on the table along with her crisp lettuce salad and hot buns.

Coming down the walk after a hard day’s work, Daddy peaks into the bassinet. Just one glimpse and tiny feet start furiously kicking. Though words are inarticulate. the eyes speak volumes and the fat. little chubby hands reach all the way to the heart. Daddy can’t resist. Into his arms come the sweetest thing Heaven ever made.

He strolls into the house carrying him like a bag of sugar. He places his other arm around his wife and with a hug exclaims, “Honey, I’m the richest man in town! I have you and the baby and the great, big God of the universe is my Father.”

The above picture is the way God planned family life. The Christian father who is the temporal head of the home (according to Joshua 24:15), a devoted godly wife and mother (Proverbs 31), and children to bless the home (Psalm 127.3).

The Bible declares in Hebrews 13:4 that marriage is honorable in all things and the bed undefiled, but whoremongers and adulterers will God judge. With much shame I describe how babies are born in the convent contrary to God’s laws as well as the laws of our land.

Some Nuns, like girls in the various homes, willingly yield their bodies to the priest who may come as father confessor, or who may come along with a group of priests to feast as the Nuns are ordered to prepare a banquet for them.

Other Nuns will fight to retain their virtue to the last straw while some are made to submit. But what is a Nun’s strength after long days of fasting penance and suffering to be compared with the priest’s strong, healthy body, especially after he’s eaten and drunk?

Many priests come from a banquet to a convent. This explains why many Nuns become pregnant the same night and is the reason many babies are born about the same time.

On one particular occasion I was ushered into the baby ward after I had helped deliver many of them. Mother Superior informed me that my duty was to snuff the life out of each of these babies after the priests sprinkled holy water on their tiny heads and anointed them. Mother Superior assured me it was painless, and she instructed me to place my hand over its mouth, and at the same time hold its nose between my thumb and forefinger, shutting off all air. She also explained that if these babies could talk they would thank you so much for taking their lives so they could go to Heaven and not have to live in a world of suffering.

Of course all these babies are abnormal, as the healthy, normal babies are taken out of the convent and placed in orphanages for adoption for a sizable sum of money.

Although I had fought with the priests and hated them with a perfect hatred, along with my hatred for the Mother Superior, I could not stoop to murder innocent babies. This I refused to do. I stood up straight with my shoulders erect and with a firm resolute jaw. cried, “Reverend Mother, you can kill me or do anything you like, but I will not kill those babies.”

I don’t know who carried out their Gestapo orders and muffled the cries of those tiny infants. I only know I had to suffer at the hands of the Mother Superior for my refusal to obey.

During the Second and Third Centuries, when the church was persecuted by Imperial Rome, pregnant women’s stomachs were slashed open, and their unborn babies were murdered. Infants were thrown against the walls crushing their brains in efforts to annihilate the Christians.

In the maternity ward of the Hospital I have seen mothers in labor pain — over twenty-four hours excruciating pain — until she wailed, groaned, even screamed and said, “I can’t stand it! Let me die!” Then with the help of nurses, the suturing knife of the obstetrician and anesthesia, she delivered her baby. After the normal surgical procedure, she was wheeled into her private room. Having come out from under the anesthetic, she lifted her hazy eyes to her husband. While he clasped her hand, his lips quivered, his eyes filled with tears, he whispered, “Darling, this is the last baby we’ll ever have. The suffering is too great.”

With those words of tenderness, that look of sympathy and understanding, she lost sight of the obstetrical ward, her pain lessened, she sighed, “But, honey, you’re worth it. And I’d do it all over again for you.”

Then when the nurse came with the little bundle and nestled it close to the mother’s breast for its first feeding, her heart was filled with rapture and joy immeasurable.

How sweet the above picture, but how heartless and cruel the one I will now describe.

Sister Clarissa was lying on a hard cot made of wood, no springs, no mattress. Her moans were muffled as she dare not give vent to her feelings, although she was in hard labor. Pains came closer together and soon the baby would be born. She had no husband to hold her hand and speak kindly. There was no nurse to give her anesthesia to lessen her pain. I delivered her baby and cut the umbilical cord while the Mother Superior supervised.

Going down to the valley of the shadow of death to bring forth life seemed not to be sufficient pain. The Mother Superior, dissatisfied with shouting, summoned the priest and immediately baptized and anointed its little head. Then the Mother Superior placed her hand over the baby’s mouth and nostrils and smothered it to death as Sister Clarissa watched from her cot. Like a wounded animal, a strange moan escape from her lips. There were no words spoken, and no explanations were given. Oh, yes, the baby was abnormal. But did that give the Mother Superior the prerogative or the power to take life? However, no law ever crosses the threshold of a Closed Convent. No death records are compiled. So death stalks through every room from chapel to dungeon, showing no partiality.

Perhaps the Mother Superior hated Sister Clarissa without a cause and delighted in her suffering, or Sister Clarissa might have been the pretty young Nun that Father Confessor had lately chosen in place of the Mother Superior. Mother Superior’s heart then could be filled with jealousy, and she waited for the opportunity to seek revenge.

Mother Superiors were once pretty, young women. They’ve often become infatuated with various priests. For the first few years, for instance, Father Hansfor may have always called for Mother Cabrim when he came to the convent. As she grew older and as other beautiful young Nuns came into the convent, Sister Lorenzo was chosen in her stead. This accounted for the great jealousy. It also accounted for much suffering some Nuns received from Mother Superior. Aside from that, a Nun may have continued to refuse a certain priest each time he called. When this happened, the Mother Superior and the Priest united their devilish, fiendish minds and devised a punishment for that Nun that only Satan could inspire.

For example, I was stretched out on a plain board and told to stick out my tongue. The Mother Superior then drove an ice-pick through my tongue, pinning me steadfast for hours. I lost much blood, even until I felt weak, My tongue became so swollen that I did not get it back into my mouth after I was released.

Even as I write this chapter, I can hear people exclaim, “It can’t be true. People with sane minds cannot commit such crimes.” I ask you, my friend, were Hirohito and his criminal chiefs of war sane when they marched our boys on the Island of Corigador? Some of them fainted under the hot, tropical sun only to be slain outright while the remaining ones dug their own graves, had their hands and feet severed from their limbs and were dumped in those graves like a bag of sand still alive. Yet still, were the Japanese sane when they took our Canadian boys that were in Hong Kong and cut their tongues out and sliced off their flesh bit by bit? No, they were not insane. They were demon-possessed. Satan, the prince of this world, has complete control over their lives just as he has over the Mother Superiors in Cloistered Convents. Their names should be changed from Mother Superior to Legion, the same name Luke recorded in his Gospel account of the man who was filled with many devils. His habitation was among the sepulchers. Even chains and fetters could not hold him. Only Jesus could tame and clothe him in body, soul and mind.

Pray with me that the God of Heaven will pull the cover off every Convent, loosen every soul and save every honest heart. My heart’s desire is to see every Nun, Priest and Mother Superior saved by the Blood of Jesus Christ.