6. The pre-diluvian Sethites (§§55-58)

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6. The pre-diluvian Sethites (§§55-58)

55. After the great interval comprising this era, and 800 years before his death, Adam begot another pure Adamic son by Eve, called Seth. The date of this event was 3961 BC. We know, therefore, that Eve lived till at least this point in history, and also for some time thereafter, as other sons and daughters were born to Adam, it may be presumed by Eve, after Seth (Gen. 5. 4). Her life in its earlier phase was on a similar eonic scale to that of Adam.

56. Seth and his sons, down to Enoch in the seventh generation inclusive from Adam, continued Adam’s work in Mesopotamia, employing the same methods as their ancient progenitor. They instructed and guided the inhabitants of the land in the knowledge of God. The Babylonians called these prophetic messengers the “Seven Patriarchs before the Flood” (Babylonian: apkallû from Sumerian ab.gal, literally “great father,” i.e., precisely, patriarch). They caused a renaissance of urban culture in Mesopotamia, particularly around the head of the Persian Gulf, which is named the Ubaid culture by archaeologists. It was centered on the city of Eridu. (For full details on the sons of Seth and their ancient names see §449, below, >>.)

57. The Sethites were of the higher Adamic breed, the “sons of God.” The “sons of God” or “males of the divine order” were the male human spirits made on the Sixth Day of Creation in the spiritual realm before Adam’s earthly body had been fashioned. In Isaiah (57. 16) these are called the “souls” (Heb. neshamot plural of neshamah, spirit or soul) which God made. God breathed Adam’s spirit (Heb. nishmat hayyim, the “spirit of life” or “living spirit,” using the same word neshamah) into his physical body once He had created that secondarily out of the dust of the ground towards the end of the Sixth Day. Each neshamah spirit descended at birth into a physical body.

58. Some of these spirits “descended” (i.e. were born, incarnated in the flesh of Adam’s sons in the line of Seth) on Mount Hermon in Syria. The leading spirit of this group is named Shemyaza in the Enoch literature. When he and his compatriots saw the beauty of the daughters of man, females of the Cainite or degraded human stock, they lusted after them and took women indiscriminately from amongst them. Through the female line, the animal gene of the Serpent was thus passed down amongst the Sethites, so that in after times, even when the Flood destroyed the whole race, apart from Seth’s descendant Noah and his immediate family, the errant gene survived in the line of Noah’s son Ham. Hence its appearance in Canaan in the time of Joshua, as Canaan was a son of Ham. But this gene knew then and knows now no racial boundaries. It is found in the Anglo-Saxon, Nordic, Asiatic, Indo-Aryan, Chinese, Slavic, Polynesian, African, Semitic and other races. The House of Judah itself was eventually sown with mixed genetic material, according to Jeremiah 31. 27: “Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man, and with the seed of beast.” Jesus and John the Baptist called the religious leaders of Israel in their day “offshoots of serpents” (Matt. 3. 7; 12. 34; 23. 33; Lk. 3. 7) and pointed out clearly to them (Matt. 3. 8f., Jn. 8. 33-44) that though they might trace physical descent from Abraham, they did not carry the same genetic code as Abraham — the fruit of their doings proved they were of the Serpent stock. The gene flourishes, in other words, wherever conditions favor it and is recognized by its fruit in the lives of the individuals who carry it. An examination of the Bible history reveals its characteristic propensity for violence, for accumulation of surplus wealth, for superficial refinement, intellectual sophistry, religious deviation and sexual perversion.

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